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Better Communication #Tips

Remember that awkward silence between you and another person you’ve just met? Or those hard times at parties where you have to chit-chat but it seems almost impossible? Communication is a human skill, but how to use it?

#1 Please, Relax!

There is nothing to be ashamed of. Show yourself. Use your most favorite topic to start a conversation. And it’s OK if someone doesn’t know about it. Continue the talking and shortly tell them what is so special for you in that thing. Then ask about their hobbies/interests.

#2 Make some research before the meeting.

Let’s say you’re a new one in the group. You can read about technology news, new trends, or movies. Maybe find out some insights and then talk about it with your new friends. Now you know what is interesting for them and it’ll be easier to make small talk.

Yes, it requires a little bit of homework. But this is just for the first 2-3 times. When you become a social person, you know a lot just because you talk to people. So you’ll be able to find a topic in seconds.

#3 Stay confident.

In this way, you show people that you feel calm and free in their company. And you’ll see how they all become really talkative.

#4 Non-verbal communication is your friend.

Every time you talk with someone please do notice the body language and facial expressions. This all will help you to read the emotions of a person. As well as your emotions will help you to build a good conversation. Do try to show any kind of feelings that you’re trying to describe. Shock, laugh or sadness, confusion, etc.

#5 Reply.

When someone is talking, show them you are listening. You can repeat the last phrase or ask a question. When it’s emotional talking do the non-verbal and express your feelings using your face. You can even use nods as a reply, but be careful. In some cases, it requires a full reply rather than just a nod. Try to feel the conversation and go with it.

#6 Start trying TODAY!

You’ll never learn if you don’t start. Go outside, maybe to the cafe, and try to make small talk with a barista or anyone else. Even if you start talking about the weather, you’ll see how it works right away, however, your reaction will be a bit slow at first. But it’s a normal thing. Just keep going until you find your own way to better communicate.

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